RSS Reader

Blam! RSS Reader for Linux Download

Blam – a simple feed reader for Linux

New in Blam 1.8.10 (unreleased)

  • Fix the dbus problems

New in Blam 1.8.9

  • Use dbus-sharp if available

This release is very minor and has problems with actually selecting the right dbus variant, so an update isn't much to anybody.

Blam 1.8.9 Download


New in Blam 1.8.8

  • Translation updates (thanks to the GNOME translation team)
  • Show the time of next update (Bug 164513)
  • Work with some webkit changes
  • Show a notification with the number of unread items at the end of an update

New in Blam 1.8.7

  • Context menu on the tray icon.
  • Support channel groups (1-deep (for now) folders). (Bug 166468)
  • Move channels into, out of, and between groups with Drag-and-Drop.
  • Fix the bug which sometimes lost your channel data. (Bug 346553)
  • Make a distinction between old and new unread entries.
  • Use icons to make the above distriction. (Bug 156226)
  • Mark an entry read if needed when we update a feed and the item has already been read in another feed. (Bug 149154)
  • Install the debug symbols, since it doesn't take much space.

New in Blam 1.8.6

  • Use WebKit instead of Gecko as the rendering engine. Many thanks to Alp Toker for this.
  • Printing finally works.
  • Use the RSSFeed library instead of RSS.NET.
  • No more crashes whilst updating feeds. (see? that's positive thinking :)
  • No crashes when the clipboard is empty.
  • The feed name column resizes when a name is shortened.
  • The read/unread posts column is aligned to the right. (Bug#321344)
  • The feed name is ellipsized when needed. (Bug#153566)
  • Register with the GNOME session (this means it will get restarted if it was running when you logged out if you chose that option).
  • Add option to refresh all feeds on startup. (Bug#344853)
  • Add option to mark all posts as read.
  • Right-click menu to copy the link's address or open in in the browser. (Bug#155374)

New in Blam 1.8.5

  • Use NDesk's D-Bus library.
  • Upated translations thanks to the wonderful GNOME translation team.
  • Proper use of the new icons.
  • Mark entries read after a timeout.
  • Always show the tray icon.
  • Minimise to the system tray when ESC is pressed or the window is closed with the X button.
  • Check to see if the clipboard contains a valid URL before pasting it.
  • Use a nicer file selection dialog.

New in Blam 1.8.4

  • HTTP authentication.
  • Ignoring SSL certificate errors (upon request).
  • Partial support for Atom 1.0.
  • Open links with target="_blank".
  • Relative links work.
  • Theme setting (and the program) works for first-time users (broken in previous release).
  • RSS feeds with <content:encoded> work.
  • The clipboard's content appears as the feed's address by default.
  • Appear with the name 'blam' in process listings.

More RSS Readers on and, thanks to

Blox0r RSS Reader Download

Blox0rBest web aggregator ever! Web aggregator, blog reader, bookmark manager and more. XUL application for use in Gecko browsers like Mozilla, Firefox, Camino, Netscape. Runs in all platforms like Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

Where to download Blox0r?

Just click on the following link to download the Blox0r RSS-Reader for free.

Download Blox0r RSS Reader for Windows, Mac and Linux

Screenshot of Blox0r


Its an AJAXy feed reader that uses a classic Outlook three-pane interface. On the left is a list of feeds you're subscribed to, a la Bloglines, and on the right are two panes, one for headlines and one to show the stories you click on. I like the default mode because it takes you to the actual web site so you can read comments and so on, but it also has a Preview Summary mode which will show summaries of all of the recent stories in a particular feed. It has most of the features you expect from a web-based feed reader and a few more, so despite the name it's worth a look if you're in the market for a feed reader. What's more, it's open source, so you can download it, tweak the code, and run your own aggregator service if you want.